EAST.finance new funding proposal

Dear DAO community,

We, the team at east.finance, bring forward a fresh and thoughtfully reconsidered proposal for your review.

As context, we tabled a DAO proposal some time ago which was met with favor. The voting came out positive, but due to unfortunate circumstances, the proposal could not be executed due to the depletion of the Waves DAO treasury.

We propose to apply for 0.1 WAVES per block emission, which translates to ~4320 WAVES per month.
In return, we pledge to offer the DAO monthly contributions of 50000 ORIENT tokens, for 6 months. As you already know, ORIENT tokens function as tokens of incentive for all EAST users and make up part of the dynamic system fueling the east.finance protocol. Owning ORIENT tokens will allow you to directly reap benefits from the progress and success of our growing ecosystem.

This proposal has similar rates to our previous proposal, which was voted on positively. Please see the previous proposal to see more information about ORIENT and the roadmap. I decided to omit it here, to keep the new proposal brief.

We extend our deepest appreciation for considering this revised proposal and are more than welcome to any questions, suggestions, or comments you may have.

Hey Peter!

Could you clarify the situation regarding ORIENT token please. My farmed amount disappeared from the portfolio. Are you going to restart the liquidity mining from scratch?

Looking forward to your DAO proposal, btw.


Hi, that’s a temporary interface bug, sorry about that.

The proposal voting is now live at PWRDAO