Waves DAO stats

Tracking profit stats of Waves DAO proposals.
Google Sheets

Simple manual tracking at the moment of check date.
Not on delivery date and excludes additional rewards, such as staking.
Good enough for insights.

Any mistakes / additions, you are able to comment in the sheet.
(Tracking in progress, but I am done for now. Costs too much time unfortunately, info will most likely not be used, but should be).


Why did several funded projects deliver nothing? Those are not rugpulls, are they?

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WAKE, EAST and PESTO should still launch.
Keeper(WAKE) team has not communicated, delivered anything so far as I know.

AXLY and WLGOLD are bad investments so far.

I use Keeper daily, I hope they are okay.

Keeper wallet is great

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As for Axly: The project is done, but staking Axly does not give you protocol rewards like Vires does? Or is it just paid out in the form of Axly token?

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Axly staking, pays Axly from buybacks with protocol income:


Hi @blahdieblah it would be possible to update the sheet so we can assess the situation? thanks. Let me know if you need help.

Hi, could you tell me the benefit of updating the info?
It is not being used, neither complete. Provided information per proposal is rather bad. First time it took 2 hours.

I would like to understand at least which projects are not delivering and propose to stop funding (if is still ongoing).

I understand that kpis are not easy to monitor maybe i can hekp you with that

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Updated the sheet, only changed values worth tracking.
Of these proposals none have ongoing funding.

Findings open proposals:
VVXTNLP proposal last tx 12/7/2024, stop and return funds or continu?
Ducks are still generating rewards I think.
Puzzle 2, turned in a loss, not counting LP rewards, still earning.
Pesto, very quiet, but team is alive.

Please note these are only the proposals till the date 26/6/2023.
Bolded proposals are only ones worth to track, in the future.

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Can you please make me editor, I want to add WAVESDAO treasury address, proposal source wallet addresses and in general help you mantain the sheet?

I will also add comments on some proposals

Thanks. I made an update for VVXTNLP.

Re EGGs and PUZZLE i think owners should help us with tracking, even developing some sort of dedicated tools to report or telling us how to track.

PESTO: the team is running activities and is well connected to WAVES echosystem so I think they should give us an update even if negative.