WAKE: Utility token of the Keeper project


Keeper has been the main crypto wallet for the Waves blockchain for over 5 years.

In the past 2 years Keeper has grown from a humble browser extension to an entire family of products, unified by the concept of a clear and accessible Web3 environment with maximum security:

  • Browser extension β€” the most secure and convenient way to connect to any dApps in the entire Waves ecosystem.
  • Web Keeper β€” web wallet with a unique feature for Waves: a portfolio manager. Users can control all their investments in one place.
  • Mobile Keeper for Android and iOS β€” the first crypto wallet for Waves that allows you to connect to dApps on any platform: website, mobile/desktop app, backend service, console tool or anything else. We have done a lot of work to finally support Waves in WalletConnect, the most popular cross-chain protocol for communicating crypto wallets and dApps.
  • Swap Aggregator β€” an exchange service that finds the best rate for your specific request among Puzzle REX, WX and SwopFi. To do this, it uses its own algorithm that tracks all the liquidity of the Waves exchangers and gives the greatest benefit to the user.
  • Swap Widget β€” a module for the exchange or purchase of tokens, which can be freely used on any website. The widget works directly with the Swap Aggregator, so it always offers the best rate possible.


We are introducing the $WAKE, utility token of the Keeper project.

With $WAKE, holders will be able to:

  • Pay transaction fees
  • Pay exchange fees with Keeper Swap Aggregator
  • Get a discount on fees
  • Vote for new protocols and services support
  • Gain access to additional features and services.

Initial token supply: 10,000,000 WAKE.


WavesDAO* 5%
Seed sale 22%
Public sale 20%
Team fund* 25%
Marketing 15%
Partnerships & Listing 10%
Bounty & Airdrops 2%

* β€” with 2-month lock and 12-month vesting.

Proposed budget

We propose for 4 mln XTN towards the purchase of the 5% $WAKE share at a 50% discount.


July 2023 $WAKE token launch
August 2023 Start of the pipeline for integration with other DeFi and NFT projects
September 2023 Partnership with crypto-fiat providers for deposit/withdrawal of funds

Now we are actively developing portfolio management functionality, considering partnerships with other dApps and crypto-fiat providers to become a full-cycle crypto wallet. We are also going to hold a number of events to expand our user base in Waves and other ecosystems.


Thank you. I use Waves Keeper regularly, especially for swapping. Did not know about the web version, this is great. But It does not show my staking with Vires?


Thank you!

Yes, in the current Beta version, Keeper tracks investments in products of WX, SwopFi, Puzzle, Power and Pepe.

Of course, we are going to further expand the accounting of funds in other dApps, including Vires.
Soon we will also open listing applications from any other projects.

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I use Keeper a lot but i have to ask. Why would it be a good deal to spend 20% of the treasury for 5% Wake?


This is the first proposal where I only see a 1 to 5 distribution of share for DAO vs team and 1 to 20 distribution of share for DAO vs other. Also, 42% of the distribution are token sales, which usually quickly get dumped on the market. Seems like too much of a risk for the DAO. I also do not see how 5% of the token share would be worth a 4 mln XTN investment. Where is all the financial reasoning?

Hey, @FinSummersun @ManuelB, thank you for your questions and comments!

You are right, it is assumed that the tokens from the sale rounds will also be blocked in the vesting for a while. Therefore, I do not see any risk for the DAO here.

Also we are set for $1 initial token price and participation of large investors in the seed round.
As far as I know, the DAO is designed to make a profit. The main advantage of our proposal is that the DAO receives the priority package of tokens with a more than 50% discount. I’m sure that this covers the possible risks that you assume.

We are currently working on expanding support for other blockchains in Keeper in the coming months, and are also working on a number of new features, which we will talk about in an updated roadmap soon.
Due to all this, I expect that more and more demand for the token will be attracted, which will positively affect its price.

Hello msmolyakov,

Thanks for your answer.
What i find most interresting in your roadmap is the fiat providers. Will these providers make it also possible to send fiat to your bankaccount? And can we than as waves dao vote for prioritising this?

Will depend on the end providers. But yes, that’s one of our goals.
We could provide a vote on this, why not. We are not currently using the PowerDAO mechanics for voting. But we may well think about integration.

But first, we need to launch $WAKE anyway. And the participation of WavesDAO will help us a lot in this.

Sorry for not being clear. I meant that waves dao as a 5% shareholder can use those wake to vote. Only waves dao needs time to vote for what vote they want to cast with the Wake it owns. So is it going to be possible for waves dao to cast votes with the 5% wake?

Of course, it can be possible

WAKE was planned for July 2023, when can expect the launch?
I haven’t seen announcements or statements by you for the delay.

Best regards,