Dear Governors,
Before I tried to make a WAVES leasing proposal for Waves DAO, but found out this transaction is not available, because it is not allowed transaction type by smart contract.
I recently started a Waves+Units node and revisited the topic. I have an idea how we can set this up securely:
I can make a wallet with a verifier, which only Waves DAO public key can sign tx.
With a function to stake unstake WAVES, which can be invoked by Waves DAO and a couple of other wallets. This function also transfers the rewards back to Waves DAO wallet.
When a proposal requires the staked WAVES, these WAVES can be unstaked and send back without another proposal.
A function which allows sending the staking rewards to another wallet, this has to be signed by Waves DAO first, in other words voted trough a proposal.
If there is positive interest for it, I can write the code, governors can review it. Afterwards I would make a proposal.
Earn staking rewards, while still keeping flexibility.
Node profits will be used to invest and promote BURN-XTN and WHIRLPOOL, which we have a stake in. Both proposals are profitable.
Personal benefits:
My projects will benefit from the node profits.